WirelessHART - Deployment Methodology and Guidelines


WirelessHART - Deployment Methodology and Guidelines Webinar

This webinar will provide a step-by-step methodology for deploying WirelessHART networks. The methodology includes all deployment phases from network planning through the operational and maintenance phases. We will also provide a set of clear guidelines and practical considerations to be taken into account during network deployment, based on lessons learned from prior field installations. The methodology, guidelines and practical considerations are applicable for small as well as highly scalable deployment and networks. The webinar will also include recommended performance criteria to be used during the acceptance phase.


  • About the Speakers
  • Why Choose WirelessHART?
  • Requirements and Network Planning Phase
  • Network Design Phase
  • Network Deployment and Commissioning Phase
  • Network Maintenance Phase
  • Q&A



Shane Hale

Global Business Development Director – Pervasive Sensing, Emerson
Shane Hale, Emerson