2316363 (GW PL FF/MODBUS)



Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Phoenix Contact
Product Name: 2316363 (GW PL FF/MODBUS)
Product Description: Modbus to Foundation Fieldbus Gateway
Category: Gateway
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
More Information: Overview The GW PL FF/MODBUS device is a DIN rail-mounted protocol converter module for interfacing Modbus® slave devices to a Foundation Fieldbus™ network. The gateway enables an existing Modbus field device to become a Foundation Fieldbus-compliant device. The GW PL FF/MODBUS is a Modbus master that communicates with slave devices, typically measurement instruments that use Modbus. The protocol converter reads variables from the instrument and converts them to dynamic variables on Foundation Fieldbus. Four analog input function blocks are supported. The location of the Modbus registers and data type of the Modbus variable can be configured. GW PL FF/MODBUS supports alarm flagging in the module. Four alarm levels are supported along with low-pass filtering. Users can configure the GW PL FF/MODBUS using standard configuration tools.   Features and benefits   * Supports up to 4 Modbus Slave devices * Alarming options support NE107 * Can be installed in the field or control cabinet * Easy control system integration with DD and DTM * Wide input voltage of 18 to 30 V DC * -40 to +85°C operating range * ATEX and IECEx, and UL Class I, Division II / Zone 2 USA/Canada approvals

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 507843
Device Type ID (hex): 6363
DEV_REV (hex): 02
DD Revision: 0x01(DD4), 0x01(DD5)
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 114 - Standard-power signaling, separately powered, non I.S.
Stack Manufacturer: Fieldbus Inc.
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31P
Stack Version: 3.0
Registered Blocks: 1-RB2(e), 4-AI(e)
Other Blocks: 1-TB(c)
Registered Features: Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending Multi-bit Alert Reporting Field Diagnostics

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 6.3.0
DD/CFF Tester Version: 6.3.0

Contact Information