

Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: PR electronics A/S
Product Name: PR6335
Product Description: Rail Monted Temp. Transmitter
Protocol: HART
Category: Temperature
Profile: HART EDD Only
More Information: The PR6335 2-WIRE HART® TRANSMITTER offers linearized temperature measurement with TC and RTD sensors e.g. Pt100 and Ni100. In addition, it offers conversion of linear resistance to a standard analog current signal, e.g from valves or Ohmic level sensors, and amplification of bipolar mV signals to standard 4...20 mA current signals. Easy installation and configuration The device can be mounted on DIN rail with up to 84 channels per meter. Configuration via standard HART® communication interfaces or by PR 5909 Loop Link. Designed for safety - suitable for applications in harsh environments (SIL) The device is designed according to strict safety requirements and is therefore suitable for applications in SIL installations. Meeting the NAMUR NE21 recommendations, the 6335 HART® transmitter ensures top measurement performance in harsh EMC environments. Additionally, the 6335A meets NAMUR NE43 and NE89 recommendations. More information at

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 00006D
Device Type ID (hex): 6DEE
DEV_REV (hex): 1
DD Revision: 1
Technology Version: 5

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered

Contact Information
