

Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Coto Measurement System (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Product Name: CT-PMS6030
Product Description: Pressure transmitter
Protocol: HART
Category: Pressure
Profile: HART Field Device
Date: 6/28/2019
More Information: The CT-PMS6030 pressure transmitter converts the pressure parameters experienced by the single crystal silicon pressure sensor into a standard 4-20mA electrical signal. The single crystal silicon pressure sensor is located on the top of the metal body, away from the dielectric contact surface, achieving mechanical isolation and thermal isolation. The glass-sintered sensor leads are insulated from the metal substrate with high strength, which improves the flexible performance and transient voltage protection of the electronic circuit. The ability to handle complex chemical and mechanical loads, as well as strong immunity to electromagnetic interference, can be used for pressure measurement in demanding process industrial environments. Pressure transmitters provide reliable pressure readings in harsh environments, providing you with the information you need to run, control and monitor your process to meet the pressure measurement needs of complex conditions. Our products not only improve efficiency but also reduce maintenance. It can also save budget and use costs.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 00610E
Device Type ID (hex): E467
DEV_REV (hex): 0x01
DD Revision: 0x01
Technology Version: 7
Wireless Product: No

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered

Contact Information

E-mail: curto@cn-curto.com
Website: http://www.cn-curto.com/curto/