Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Rotork YTC Limited
Product Name: YT-3XXX
Product Description: Valve Positioner
Protocol: HART
Category: Actuators, Regulators, Positioners, Pneumatic
Profile: HART Field Device
Date: 5/10/2022
More Information: YT-3XXX is digital valve positioner with torque motor, non-contact sensor, communication technologies and diagnostics capability. And following models are included to support various applications. YT-3400, YT-3450, YT-3400e, YT-3450e, YT-3700, YT-3750 Features : - Explosionproof / Flameproof housing. (YT-3400,YT-3400, YT-3400e, YT-3450e) Global certification for Zone 1 and Division 1 installations. - Non-Contact Sensor for increased performance for high frequency operating valves and an enhanced lifetime. - Enhanced diagnositc to fully check the integrity of the system. Advanced step tests and Partial Stroke Testing(PST) can be operated from local or remote positions. Device Type Manager (DTM) files allow for full software compatibility. - Digital input/output configurable depending on the application and customer preferences. Multiple options are available e.g. start a pre-set PST event or receive error alarms, tailoring interaction with the device as necessary. - Visual diagnostic info to NE107 standard for a user friendly analysis with a severity alarm scale and a clear visual identification locally on the display or remotely through HART. - Auto Calibration. Simple menu structure with options to auto calibrate all parameters or zero and end points only. - Analogue feedback signal (4 to 20mA) is compliant with NE43 for sending failure information.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 0000B4
Device Type ID (hex): B40B
DEV_REV (hex): 0x02
DD Revision: 0x02
Technology Version: 7
Wireless Product: No

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered

Contact Information
