Hawk FF Level Series – OSIR-XXXX


Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Hawk Measurement Systems Pty. Ltd.
Product Name: Hawk FF Level Series – OSIR-XXXX
Product Description: ORCA Sonar Level Series
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: Level
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
More Information: ORCA - Sonar Bed Level System Principle of Operation The ORCA Sonar Bed Level transducer emits a high powered acoustic pulse, which is reflected from the interface density selected. The reflected signal is processed using specially developed software algorithms, that eliminate lighter floating densities and stratified layers, allowing measurement of "RAS" or "BED" levels. It can be calibrated to measure lighter densities like "FLOC" or one of the outputs could be used for a "CLARITY" output, similar to a basic turbidity transmitter measuring solids in suspension. By choosing the correct sonar transducer frequency, the ORCA sonar guarantees the optimized performance when measuring both light and heavy density interfaces. Primary Areas of Application * Sewage & Wastewater Primary Sedimentation - Blanket level Secondary and final Clarifiers - RAS Blanket and fluff/pin floc layer Thickeners and DAF - Bed level and clarity of water Sequential Batch Reactors - Blanket monitoring (floating sonar) Lagoons - Bed sludge level Lamella Clarifier - Bed level and floc level * Mining / Process Clarifiers, thickeners, CCD's, settling ponds/lagoons, water treatment, carbon columns Features: * Dual independent analogue outputs to track two different interfaces, or clarity simultaneously, with the one sonar sensor. * Full range of sonar transducers to optimize detection of heavy and light density interfaces. * Widest range of sonar frequencies to optimize performance. * Easy calibration to track specific density interfaces. eg: RAS blanket - 4g/l, floc/fluff layer - 1g/l. * Industrial scum cleaning mechanisms, that do not require maintenance. * No wiper blade assemblies. * Control room graphics of tanks and interfaces. * Wide range of communications: Devicenet, GosHawk, HART, Modbus, Profibus DP, Foundation Fieldbus and Profibus PA * CDMA/GSM remote support capability for calibration, commissioning or technical back-up. * Relay alarms

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 001988
Device Type ID (hex): 0001
DEV_REV (hex): 01
DD Revision: 0x01, 0x01(DD5)
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 113 - Standard-power signaling, bus-powered, non I.S.
Stack Manufacturer: Fieldbus Inc.
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31PS, 32L
Stack Version: 3.0
Registered Blocks: 1-RB(e), 4-AI(e)
Other Blocks: 1-TB(c)
Registered Features: Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 5.2.0
DD/CFF Tester Version: 5.2.0

Contact Information

E-mail: info@hawk.com.au
Website: http://www.hawkmeasure.com