FieldComm Group & FDT Group Collaboration
Frequently Asked Questions
What is happening to FieldComm Group (FCG) and FDT Group (FDT)?
The signed 'Term Sheet' between the FDT Group and FieldComm Group signifies an agreement between parties on a strategic collaboration aimed at advancing integration technology and harmonizing control system applications across multiple automation protocols for both process and factory applications. This collaboration represents a significant step forward in streamlining industrial automation device integration processes and enhancing interoperability within the industry.
What are the benefits of a combined entity for members and the end user community?
Member Benefits
- Development Support and Services – Brings consistency to host and device vendors using Common Components for cost-efficient development, support and registration by one organization
- Comprehensive Host Solutions – Simplifies a pathway allowing open system integration and support for all platforms, protocols and devices
- Enhanced Interoperability – Ensures flexible and scalable business models for innovation
- Opportunity for Market Expansion – Delivers harmonized solutions acceptable for hybrid and factory applications
- Stronger Industry Alliance – Empowers members to collaboratively influence a single organization for development of integration standards, roadmaps and strategy ensuring best interests are represented
End User Benefits
- Unified Organization – Creates a single entity focused on a unified environment for configuring and managing diverse devices, regardless of their communication protocols
- Integration Technology Assurance – Investment protection supporting a flexible and scalable platform adaptable to evolving industry standards and technology advancements
- Consistent User Experience – Improves efficiency and productivity by delivering a single user interface for lifecycle management and a repository for all device related materials
- Installed Base Migration Support – Leverages existing investments in the infrastructure using a FDI device package and Interpreter DTM for modernization
- Market Expansion – Extends and improves support for hybrid and factory applications growing in popularity
What is the proposed vision of the combined organization?
The unified organization pioneers a transformative vision where industrial device management seamlessly bridges the present and future, ensuring support for the current installed base while facilitating evolution towards harmonized technologies. Our protocol-agnostic approach embraces collaboration with leading field protocol organizations, driving advancements that enhance engineering effectiveness, plant availability, and user experience across industrial automation disciplines.