
Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Siemens AG
Product Name: SITRANS F M MAG6000
Product Description: Electromagnetic Flowmeter
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: Flow
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
More Information:   Easier commissioning of MAG 6000, 6000 I All SITRANS F M pulsed DC electromagnetic flowmeters feature a unique SENSORPROM memory unit which stores sensor calibration data and transmitter settings for the lifetime of the product.   At commissioning the flowmeter commences measurement without any initial programming.   The factory settings matching the sensor size are stored in the SENSORPROM unit. Also customer specified settings are downloaded to the unit. Should the transmitter be replaced, the new transmitter will upload all previous settings and resume measurement without any need for reprogramming.   Further, the "fingerprint"used in connection with the SITRANS F M Verificator is stored during the initial sensor calibration.   Easier service Transmitter replacement requires no programming. SENSORPROM automatically updates all settings after initialization.   Room for growth USM II the Universal Signal Module with "plug & play" simplicity, makes it easy to access and integrate the flow measurement with almost any system and bus-protocol and it ensures the flowmeter will be easy to upgrade to future communication/bus platforms.   Application Electromagnetic flowmeters are suitable for measuring the flow of almost all electrically conducting liquids, pastes and slurries.   A prerequisite is that the medium must have a minimum conductivity of 5 µS/cm. The temperature, pressure, density and viscosity have no influence on the result.   The main applications of the electromagnetic flowmeters can be found in the following sectors: * Water and waste water * Chemical and pharmaceutical industries * Food and beverage industry * Mining, aggregates and cements industries * Pulp and paper industry * Steel industry * Power; utility and chilled water industry The wide variety of combinations and versions from the modular system means that ideal adaptation is possible to each measuring task.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 534147
Device Type ID (hex): 0018
DEV_REV (hex): 01
DD Revision: 0x01
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 112 - Standard-power signaling, separately powered, Entity Model I.S. 114 - Standard-power signaling, separately powered, non I.S. 122 - Low-power signaling, separately powered, Entity Model I.S. 124 - Low-power signaling, separately powered, non I.S.
Stack Manufacturer: Softing AG
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31PS, 32L
Stack Version: 2.12
Registered Blocks: 1- RB(e), 3-AI(s), 2-IT(s), 4-DO(s), 1-PID(s), 1-AR(s), 1-MAI(s), 1-SC(s), 1-IS(s)
Other Blocks: 1-FlowTB(c ), 2-TotalizerTB(c ), 1-BatchTB(c ), 1-DiagTB(c ), 1-IOTB(c ), 1-DisplayTB(c )
Registered Features: Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 5.0.1
DD/CFF Tester Version: 5.0.1