Rosemount 644


Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Emerson Electric Co.
Product Name: Rosemount 644
Product Description: Temperature Transmitter
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: Temperature
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
More Information: The Rosemount 644 is a DIN A temperature transmitter that fits in a variety of housings allowing both local and remote temperature measurement. Optional LCD, transmitter-sensor matching, and 2-year stability provide an accurate, reliable temperature measurement. Fieldbus function blocks include: 2 Analog Input blocks (allows filtering, alarming, and engineering unit changes) and 1 PID block (provides single loop, cascade, or feedforward control in the field). The Rosemount 644 can also act as a Backup Link Active Scheduler (LAS). Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept (FISCO) certification allows more devices per I.S. segment.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 001151
Device Type ID (hex): 0644
DEV_REV (hex): 02
DD Revision: 0x01
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 111 - Standard-power signaling, bus-powered, Entity Model I.S. 113 - Standard-power signaling, bus-powered, non I.S.
Stack Manufacturer: Emerson Process Performance Technology (P+D)
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31PS, 32L
Stack Version: TH6.0
Registered Blocks: 1xRB(e), 1xPID(e), 2xAI(e)
Other Blocks: 1xSTB(c), 1xLTB(c)
Registered Features: Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending Block Instantiation Common Software Download

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 5.0.1
DD/CFF Tester Version: 5.0.1