
Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Pepperl+Fuchs SE
Product Name: HD2-GT-2AD.FF.IO
Product Description: Diagnostic Gateway
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: Analog and Discrete IO, Diagnostic, Health Monitoring
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
More Information:   FieldConnex® Diagnostic Gateway with FF-H1 connection links up to 16 FieldConnex® Advanced Diagnostic Modules (ADM) to the DCS or Plant Asset Management (PAM) System. The gateway configures itself and automatically detects the ADMs. The setup of the diagnostic bus and all connected modules is automatic. This simplifies engineering of FieldConnex Advanced Diagnostics significantly. Changes in the fieldbus physical layer are announced to operators and maintenance teams via FF-H1 or Ethernet. Engineering tools allow tight integration of fieldbus diagnosis into any monitoring and control system via EDD and FDT/DTM. This includes advanced features such as a commissioning wizard. The expert system (included) interprets physical layer measurements and accurately translates them to actionable information for maintenance staff. Optional inputs enable monitoring of cabinets in the control room. Conditions such as: * Temperature * Humidity * Door open/close status and other analog or digital signals such as Namur-sensors and frequency inputs can be connected to the gateway's motherboard. Two power relay outputs can control fans, air conditioning or heater systems. All functions are available via the FF-H1 with device description and DTM. This gateway is also the basis for additional accessories increasing life time and uptime of the fieldbus segment: Surge protectors include diagnostic functions indicating the end of their useful life. An enclosure leakage sensor can indicate water ingress into junction box or field instrument. Yes, it is that small. Alarms reach operators via LED and via the DCS/PAM systems. The fieldbus installation and the control cabinet can be monitored just like a regular field instrument. This optimizes asset utilization, increases MTBF and reduces maintenance work.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 502B46
Device Type ID (hex): 0005
DEV_REV (hex): 01
DD Revision: 0x02, 0x02(DD5)
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 114 - Standard-power signaling, separately powered, non I.S.
Stack Manufacturer: Pepperl+Fuchs
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31PS
Stack Version: 1
Registered Blocks: 1-RB2(e), 4-MDI(e),<br>1-DI(e), 1-MAI(e),<br>1-MAO(e)
Other Blocks: 16-ADM_TB(c), 1-IO_TB(c)
Registered Features: Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending Multi-bit Alert Reporting Field Diagnostics

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 6.0.1
DD/CFF Tester Version: 6.0.1