Digital Epic D200



Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Westlock Controls
Product Name: Digital Epic D200
Product Description: Position Transmitter
Protocol: HART
Profile: HART Field Device
Date: 4/23/2020
More Information: DIGITAL EPIC D200, A NON-CONTACT POSITION TRANSMITTER WITH HART® PROVIDES CONTINUOUS VALVE POSITION FEEDBACK WITH THE ABILITY TO INTEGRATE END OF TRAVEL SENSORS. The Digital EPIC D200 combines the advantages of 4-20mA transmitter technology with proven switchbox reliability. Utilizing our proprietary non-contact sensor for continuous position measuring, the Digital EPIC D200 provides accurate, reliable feedback and control. The Digital EPIC D200 position transmitter features a Local LCD & push-button along with HART® 7 protocol for seamless configuration, calibration and diagnostics. Westlock's control and monitoring equipment can be fitted with a variety of switches and sensors to provide the optimum combination and ideal solution for each application.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 00004D
Device Type ID (hex): 4D06
DEV_REV (hex): 0x01
DD Revision: 0x01
Technology Version: 7
Wireless Product: No

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered

Contact Information