Numatics Inc. FF Valve Manifold


Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Emerson Electric Co.
Product Name: Numatics Inc. FF Valve Manifold
Product Description: Valve Controller
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: Actuators, Regulators, Positioners
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
More Information: Foundation Fieldbus H1 (FF H1)    Numatics has developed a new device with multi I/O capabilities in a single Fieldbus node. This device has two basic modes of operation.     The General Purpose I/O (GPIO) mode of this communication module can control up to 32 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs. Outputs can be any combination of the integrated manifold’s valve coils and discrete output modules. This mode is perfect for automating process valves over an FF network where enhanced diagnostics are not required.    The Valve Monitoring System (VMS) function of this mode emulates 8 separate FF enable valve position indicators. This function has the ability of automating 8 process valves over 1 FF node while retaining the complete diagnostic capability of 8 separate FF nodes. Enhanced diagnostic capability of this function allows automatic monitoring of Travel Times, Break Times, Lost Position, Cycle Counter and Auto Calibration.    GPIO and VMS functionally can coexist on the same manifold. The maximum digital I/O count is 32 Inputs and 16 Outputs. VMS functionality allocates 2 digital Inputs to every valve station so a maximum of 8 valves and 16 inputs are allowed with this function. The remainder can be allocated as GPIO.    The optional “Logic Transducer” mode allows user to write local logic to be executed independent of DCS.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 4E554D
Device Type ID (hex): 4732
DEV_REV (hex): 01
DD Revision: 01
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 113 - Standard-power signaling, bus-powered, non I.S.
Stack Manufacturer: Emerson Process Performance Tech, LP
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31PS, 32L
Stack Version: 2.0
Registered Blocks: 1xResource(s), 1xDI(s), 1xDO(s), 1xMDI(e), 1xMDO(e)
Other Blocks: 1xI/O Transducer(C ), 1xLogic Transducer(c ), 1xVMS Transducer(c )
Registered Features: Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending Multi-bit Alert Reporting Block Instantiation

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 5.0.1
DD/CFF Tester Version: 5.0.1