F2D0-FB-Ex4* RD0-FB-Ex4*


Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Pepperl+Fuchs SE
Product Name: F2D0-FB-Ex4* RD0-FB-Ex4*
Product Description: FOUNDATION Isolated Device Coupler (FIDC), bus-powered
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: H1 Couplers
Profile: FOUNDATION Device Coupler
More Information:   The FieldConnex® FieldBarrier is the first fieldbus coupler to implement the High-Power Trunk Concept for Zone 1/ Div. 2 with galvanic isolation. Devices can be mounted in Zone 0/ Div. 1, and are connected one device to each output. Outputs are intrinsically safe Ex ia.   Live work on field instruments is permitted. Each output is equipped with short-circuit protection preventing unintentional shorts and faulty devices from harming communication and power supply to instruments and hosts connected to the segment. LEDs communicate power, communication and status of each output, e.g. short-circuit.   Pre-engineered housing solutions are available "installation ready" with system certificate. Housing size, materials, cable glands and many accessories are selectable.   With FieldConnex® FieldBarriers up to sixteen instruments can be connected to a single fieldbus network. Spur cables can be up to 120 m long and overall segment length is 1900 m. The maximum distances specified for FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 can be achieved.

Registered Product Details

Coupler Type: 163 - Foundation Isolated Device Coupler, bus-powered
Number of Spurs: 4

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered