FieldKey NHU200-WL

Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: ABB
Product Name: FieldKey NHU200-WL
Product Description: WirelessHART Adapter
Protocol: HART
Profile: WirelessHART Field Device
Date: 1/24/2012
More Information: WirelessHART Adapter "Fieldkey" - Add wireless to any 4-20mA HART instrument for remote access to process, configuration and maintenance information. - No Battery to install or manage as the FieldKey uses Energy Harvesting technology resulting in reliable and high performance wireless access - Small size allows the FieldKey to be quickly installed in cramped environments where other devices would require additional junction boxes to be installed. - With only two wires to connect, the FieldKey is quick and easy to install with default parameters set to unlock the information help within the target instrument. - WirelessHART security and reliability are built in as part of the standard. Features Ease of installation Configuration with Handheld Compatible with HART 7.0 and 5.9 Consumption 9 ... 51 mW

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 00001A
Device Type ID (hex): 1A99
DEV_REV (hex): 1
DD Revision: 2
Wireless Product: Yes
Technology Version: 7

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered

Contact Information