848T Wireless

Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Emerson Electric Co.
Product Name: 848T Wireless
Product Description: Wireless Temperature Transmitter
Protocol: HART
Profile: WirelessHART Field Device
Date: 6/8/2011
More Information: 848T Wireless Temperature Transmitter 848T Wireless Temperature Transmitter The 848T embodies significant investment by Emerson in ease-of-use. The 848T includes a new EDD (Electronic Device Display) user interface that \ provides simple, graphical screens to deliver important configuration and information. Mounting and sensor connection hardware also exhibit the \ ease-of-use focus of Emerson. \ Many users across the process industry need to monitor hundreds to thousands of temperature measurements in a plant to ensure efficient operations. \ The 848T wireless transmitter monitors up to four independently configurable RTD, thermocouple, ohm, millivolt and 4-20 mA inputs allowing users access \ to more of these important temperature measurements. The resulting increased visibility to plant operations allows for proactive maintenance and monitoring \ of key assets. These include motor bearings that drive pumps, fans and compressors, as well as heat exchangers, tanks, reactors and boilers. \ Fully compatible with any WirelessHART® network, the Rosemount 848T Wireless provides the same rich diagnostic data and reliable \ performance as other devices in the Smart Wireless family. It monitors many temperature measurements with one device, ensuring accurate and stable measurements \ and continuously monitors measurement integrity. The device is self-powered and utilizes SmartPower™ technology to provide an intrinsically safe power module \ with long battery life. Not only are installation costs minimized by eliminating the signal wiring, but the sensor wiring costs are reduced by being able to mount \ the device closer to the process.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 000026
Device Type ID (hex): 2653
DEV_REV (hex): 0x03
DD Revision: 0x01
Wireless Product: Yes
Technology Version: 7

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered

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