Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Binder GmbH
Product Name: COMBIMASS VACOMASS gas flow meter
Product Description: Gas flow meter
Protocol: HART
Category: Flow, Thermal
Profile: HART Field Device
Date: 1/11/2023
More Information: The field transmitters are suitable for gas flow measurement and cover a wide range of different applications. There are two different product families respectively trade names used for the sales of the thermal mass flow meter: VACOMASS® for aeration air in sewage treatment plants and COMBIMASS® for all industrial gases and biogas. Second application often requires explosion proof versions. The COMBIMASS® flow meter can be used in following typical applications: • Air and technical gases e.g. hydrogen • Compressed air – flow rate measurement and balancing • Supply gases such as methane, propane, natural gas, etc. • Exhaust air and waste gases • Combustion air in incineration plants • Biogas in sewage treatment, landfill and environmental installations • Process gases VACOMASS® flow meters are used in sewage treatment plants to measure the air to the different tanks respectively zones. Air flow rate can be used to improve the control of air supply, secure the cleaning performance and reduce operational costs. In this application straight pipe run is often very limited and special calibrations together with air control valves must be applied to achieve precise air flow metering. The flow transmitters apply thermal dispersion technology in order to measure directly in dry gases the standard volumetric or gas mass flow according to DIN1343 (other standards can be applied too), regardless of the operating pressure and temperature of the medium. All flow meters are characterized by high-performance digital signal processing. The electronics of the explosion-proof flow meter are located in a pressure-resistant dual compartment stainless steel enclosure. Additionally a LED display with control panel can be supplied for indication of actual flow rate or totalized flow as well as for field programming of the flow meter. For transmission of signals there are several isolated 4-20 mA analogue outputs (flow/ temperature/ ...) as well as HART access, Modbus RTU and a digital active output (impulse/ alarm/ frequency) are available. The flow transmitter can be combined with a wide range of different sensors and assembled individually according to the specific application. There are two versions: insertion and in-line types, for various temperature and pressure ranges.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 00613A
Device Type ID (hex): E4B0
DEV_REV (hex): 0x01
DD Revision: 0x01
Technology Version: 7
Wireless Product: No

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered

Contact Information
