Uniprobe LB490



Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Berthold Technologies
Product Name: Uniprobe LB490
Product Description: Level Meter
Category: Level
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
More Information: The LB 490 Level Gauge provides a much wider range of applications compared to the nearest competitor. BERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIES is the only supplier of radiometric instruments who offer both, rod sources and point sources. Together with a broad range of rod detectors and point detectors, an unmatched range of applications is available. The LB 490 is a well proven system and is in operation in a lot of plants worldwide. Applications: * level gauge * level switch * interface measurements Measured materials: * liquids * bulk goods * foam Used for reactors, high pressure vessels, boilers, autoclaves, separators, acid tanks, mixers, cyclones, cupola furnaces, etc. Used in: * hazardous areas * corrosive areas * areas of extreme conditions Your Benefits: * The reliability and quality of Berthold measuring instrumentation ensures exact performance, exceptional repeatability and stability under all process conditions * Maintenance free measurement * Low installation costs * Unaffected by physical and chemical properties of the product * High sensitivity and accuracy results in lowest dose rates (ALARA principle) * Easily fit to your application via a variety of point and rod detectors and point and rod sources. * Ex d, or Ex i current output (FISCO signal) * Stainless steel housing for harsh applications * Radiation interference detection

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 00A1FF
Device Type ID (hex): 007F
DEV_REV (hex): 01
DD Revision: 0x01
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 511 - Low-power signaling, bus-powered, FISCO I.S.
Stack Manufacturer: Softing AG
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31PS, 32L
Stack Version: 2.11
Registered Blocks: 1xRB(e), 2xAI(s)
Other Blocks: 1xTB(c)
Registered Features: Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 4.61
DD/CFF Tester Version: 4.61

Contact Information

Device Support File Usage

FieldComm Group (FCG) makes available to its members and to the public certain device driver (DD) files, in various forms, that have passed certain tests conducted by or through FCG. The DD files are, or are created from, submissions to FCG by FCG members and are provided by FCG AS IS. FCG disclaims all liability for the accuracy, suitability or use of the DD files. Each member creating DD files has its own policies regarding supporting use of those files, and may, for instance support use of DD object code files, but not DeviceInfo or other files. While FCG is under no obligation to provide support for use of any DD files, FCG welcomes all inquiries on the subject and will often be able to assist.