Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: FLEXIM
Product Name: PIOX S831
Product Description: Ultrasonic Flowmeter (Density, Mass, Concentration)
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: Concentration, Density, Flow, Gas, Liquid, Ultrasonic
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
Date: 12/15/2023
More Information: PIOX S831 - Non-Intrusive Ultrasonic Mass Flow and Density Meter for Liquids The PIOX® S831 meters are Flexim’s Ultrasonic measuring systems for permanent installation designed for concentration analysis process control in hazardous areas. In addition to the flow measurement, the PIOX® S831 flowmeter has a number of additional functions to determine properties of the fluids and is available in different options. Its non-intrusive measurement technology ensures a precise bi-directional, highly dynamic flow measurement over a wide turndown ratio. With its explosion proof housing, intrinsically safe in- and outputs and the corrosion resistant transducers, the PIOX® S831 series is perfectly suited for every demanding industrial application in and out of the oil&gas and the chemical industry. As the transducers are mounted on the outside of the pipe wall, the system does not suffer from wear and tear by the medium, there is no risk of leakage and no pressure loss inside the pipe and, above all, a constant plant availability can be ensured. The connection and electronics compartments of the PIOX® S831 are hermetically sealed, so that the measurement system provides maximum operational reliability and safety. The PIOX® S831 comes with carefully matched and temperature compensated transducers providing unmatched zero-point stability and precise bi-directional flow measurement over a wide range of conditions. As of its exceptional adaptive signal processing and high number of measuring cycles per second, the PIOX® S831 meters produce stable and reliable measuring results even under the most difficult conditions. - Non-intrusive liquid metering - Installation without process interruption or production stop - Virtually maintenance free due to permanent coupling pads and rugged mounting fixtures - Low installation and operation costs (independent of pipe pressure and size) - Highly accurate, reliable and stable measuring results even under difficult conditions - Versatile electrical and digital inputs and outputs for the optimal adaptation to the individual application needs - Ideal solution for the measurement of aggressive, corrosive or toxic media in hazardous areas - Exhaustive internal database with complete parameter set of a variety pipe materials and media - Flow measurement at very hot pipes by using the patented WaveInjector solution.

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 464C58
Device Type ID (hex): 0047
DEV_REV (hex): 0x01
DD Revision: 0x01(DD4), 0x01(DD5)
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 111, 113
Stack Manufacturer: Softing AG
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31PS, 32L
Stack Version: 2.42
Registered Blocks: 1-RB2(E), 8-AI(E), 1-DO(E), 1-PID(E), 4-AO(E)
Other Blocks: 4-AITB(C), 1-PTB(C)
Registered Features: Resource Block Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending Multi-Bit Alert Reporting Field Diagnostics FDI Package Registration

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 6.5.0
DD/CFF Tester Version: 6.5.0