AM712-P Module with MB734 Redundant Base


Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Zhejiang SUPCON Technology Co., Ltd.
Product Name: AM712-P Module with MB734 Redundant Base
Product Description: Non-I.S. power supply not intended for feeding an I.S. barrier
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: H1 Power Supply
Profile: FOUNDATION Power Supply/Conditioner
More Information: The AM712-P module is a fieldbus power supply for 2 independent FoundationTM Fieldbus H1 segments. With MB734 base which consists of only passive components, it can be used as redundant or non-redundant.   Features: l  Output voltage: 24 ... 25 V l  Output current: 360mA/Segment l  Galvanic isolation between segments l  Integrated bus terminator l  Hot pluggable l  Redundant connection of bulk power supply l  Input rated voltage: 24V±10% l  Galvanic isolation between segment and bulk power supply l  Maximum devices and long cable runs due to the High-Power Trunk concept l  Easy to connect with different host system l  (-40~75)ºC ambient temperature

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered

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