
Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: General Electric
Product Name: SVI FF
Product Description: Pneumatic Valve Positioner
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: Actuators, Regulators, Positioners, Analog and Discrete IO
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
Date: 8/17/2015
More Information: SVI FF is an Advanced Performance positioner with FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus protocol, for single and double-acting pneumatic control valves. Its universal and modular design with a proven non-contact position sensor fits many applications, offering high performance valve control with real-time diagnostics.   Key Features: •      Field-proven, user configurable, non-contact position or remote-mount position sensor •      Analog or Discrete valve position control •      Explosion-proof external LCD and pushbuttons for local operations •      View FF published process variables from other devices on explosion-proof LCD interface •      Extensive function block selection with fast execution times •      Universal design for linear and rotary valve applications •      Standard and high flow capacities limiting the need for additional accessories •      Offline and online diagnostics •      Built-in isolated solid-state switch •      Field upgradable firmware with no process upset following FF-883 specification •      Universal label with ATEX, FM, FMc, IEC approvals •      DTM (Standard and Advanced) and EDDL support •      Industrial aluminum or stainless steel housing   Benefits: •      Faster commissioning and startup of control valves using methods and automatic commission procedures •      Extensive control customization options •      Accurate and reliable valve positioning •      Increased uptime utilizing continuous performance monitoring and NAMUR 107 based abnormal condition reporting •      Enriched field control applications using Arithmetic, Control Selector and Enhanced PID function blocks

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 004745
Device Type ID (hex): 0008
DEV_REV (hex): 02
DD Revision: 0x04(DD4), 0x04(DD5)
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 111 - Standard-power signaling, bus-powered, Entity Model I.S. 113 - Standard-power signaling, bus-powered, non I.S. 511 - Low-power signaling, bus-powered, FISCO I.S.
Stack Manufacturer: Softing AG
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31PS, 32L
Stack Version: 2.42
Registered Blocks: 1-RB2(e), 3-AI(e),<br>1-AO(e), 2-DI(e),<br>2-DO(e), 1-MAI(e),<br>2-PID(e), 1-IS(e),<br>1-OS(e), 1-CS(e),<br>1-AR(e)
Other Blocks: 1-TB(c)
Registered Features: Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending Multi-bit Alert Reporting Common Software Download Field Diagnostics

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 6.1.2
DD/CFF Tester Version: 6.3.1

Contact Information
