3051 SMV PDP Wireless


Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Emerson Electric Co.
Product Name: 3051 SMV PDP Wireless
Product Description: Rosemount 3051S Wireless MultiVariable Transmitter
Protocol: HART
Category: WirelessHART Field Device, Absolute or Gauge Pressure, Differential Pressure, Flow, Multivariable, Pressure
Profile: WirelessHART Field Device
Date: 3/26/2014
More Information: HART Version: HART7 The Rosemount 3051S Wireless MultiVariable Transmitter features multivariable measurement capabilities paired with WirelessHART® technology, offering a no-equal, cost-efficient solution. This wireless transmitter provides measurements for differential and static pressure with >99% data reliability. Capable of standardizing on a single model number, this device is a cost-effective device that reduces pipe penetrations, impulse piping and connection systems. Features and benefits: - Measures multiple variables and standardizes on a single model number for streamline process and cost-efficiency - Reduces costs by eliminating the need for stacked transmitters and wiring - Primary elements available as assemble-to options for simple installation and commissioning - Multivariable design reduces pipe penetrations, impulse piping and connection systems for cost-savings - All-welded, SuperModule™ design offers industry-leading accuracy in harsh environments and applications - Ultra for Flow provides optimized pressure measurement with a ±0.04% of reading accuracy - SmartPower™ module provides up to 10-year maintenance-free operation and field replacement without transmitter removal - Easy installation enables quick instrumentation of measurement points without the cost of wiring

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 000026
Device Type ID (hex): 2675
DEV_REV (hex): 0x01
Wireless Product: Yes
Technology Version: 7

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered

Contact Information

E-mail: rfq.rmd-rcc@emerson.com
Website: http://www.emerson.com/rosemount