DSTJ 3000 NewAce


Registered Product Information

Manufacturer: Azbil Corporation
Product Name: DSTJ 3000 NewAce
Product Description: Pressure Transmitter
Protocol: FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Category: Pressure
Profile: FOUNDATION Field Device
More Information:   The DSTJ3000 Smart Transmitter is a microprocessor-based smart transmitter that features high performance and excellent stability. Capable of measuring gas, liquid, and vapor, and liquid levels. It executes two-way communications via Foundation Fieldbus, thus facilitating self-diagnosis, range resetting, and automatic zero adjustment. The ST3000 Smart Transmitter has the following features. - Excellent stability and high performance - Wide measuring range (range ability) - A diverse lineup

Registered Product Details

Manufacturer ID (hex): 0DFC96
Device Type ID (hex): 1203
DEV_REV (hex): 01
DD Revision: 0x04
FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile: 113 - Standard-power signaling, bus-powered, non I.S.
Stack Manufacturer: Azbil Corporation
FOUNDATION Stack Class: 31PS
Stack Version: 0.01
Registered Blocks: 2xAI(s), 1xPID(s), 1xRB(e)
Other Blocks: 1xDIAG(c), 1xTB(c)
Registered Features: Alarms and Events Function Block Linking Trending

Registration Information

Registration Authority: FieldComm Group
Registration Status: Registered
Tester Version: 4.01
DD/CFF Tester Version: 5.0.1

Contact Information

Website: https://www.azbil.com